Monthly Newsletter

October 2024

But even if I am being poured out as a drink offering, upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I rejoice and share my joy with you all.
Philippians 2:17

                 How do you measure success? Accomplishments, accounts, a general sense of well-being or happiness, contentment? As a parent, I came across this a while back and wanted to share it with you. It also illustrates our measure of faithfulness as followers of Jesus.
You can use most any measure
when you're speaking of success.
You can measure it in fancy home,
expensive car or dress.
But the measure of your real success
is one you cannot spend.
It's the way your child describes you
when he's talking to a friend.

As I write this newsletter, my mind is filled with all sorts of amazing thoughts toward the membership of WBC! You are truly and inspiration to me. I have watched you give, invest, serve, and generally pour yourselves into the ministry of the Gospel through Wallburg Baptist Church. I vividly remember preaching the funeral of one of our dear members and encouraging that family that living for Jesus, not self, was what made life matter, and they had the model for that in their departed loved one. We are so privileged to have so many examples of people pouring themselves into what matters. Honoring the Lord in their families, personal lives, jobs and such, is what makes the testimony about Jesus believable.
So many people in our world have bought the lie that “life is meant to be lived.” You, on the other hand, are showing them that life is meant to be spent, and in that you are finding the true joy.  So I wanted to continue to encourage you all in this. Nothing is wasted when it is done for the Lord! Your devotion, sacrifices, service, learning, discipling, and living for Jesus are not unnoticed. The people who have made the greatest impact on you were the ones who poured into you, and you are in turn doing that for others.

The Apostle Paul gives us a graphic picture of this life in Philippians 2:17. In those days a sacrifice would be slaughtered and set on fire on the altar. Then in one final touch a small glass of wine would be thrown on the blazing fire and would instantly evaporate as the fire raged. This was symbolic of a life that had little to offer, but when combined with the sacrifice, lost itself wholly in the service. Paul looks at the service of the believers and says in essence, “if I can just be a puff of steam that amplifies the power of your life, then I am happy to be that.”
That kind of selfless, humble and sacrificial attitude is manifested at WBC! And I just wanted to remind you all that you are seen and noticed.  Some of you are so far behind the scenes and so regularly at your posts that you may fear you blend in to the point of being unnoticed. But I see you, others see you and most importantly, God sees you.

God is not unjust, so as to forget your work and the love which you have shown toward His name, in having ministered and still ministering to the saints.
Hebrews 6:10

  Charles Francis Adams, the 19th century political figure and diplomat, kept a diary. One day he entered: "Went fishing with my son today--a day wasted." His son, Brook Adams, also kept a diary, which is still in existence. On that same day, Brook Adams made this entry: "Went fishing with my father--the most wonderful day of my life!" The father thought he was wasting his time while fishing with his son, but his son saw it as an investment of time. The only way to tell the difference between wasting and investing is to know one's ultimate purpose in life and to judge accordingly. Jesus tells us our purpose.

“Whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the Gospel’s will save it.”
Mark 8:35

WBC, keep doing what you’re doing for the Lord. It’s working!
Walking with you,
Pastor Brandon


Dates to Remember: October

· Wednesday, October 2nd: Food Pantry 4-6pm
· Wednesday, October 2nd: WOM Meeting 6pm
· Wednesday, October 2nd: Meal (Church Meal) & Service 6-8pm
· Thursday, October 3rd: Prayer at the Poles
· Thursday, October 3rd: Choir 6pm
· Saturday, October 5th: Fall Bazaar 9am-1pm
· Sunday, October 6th: Deacon Meeting 2pm
· Sunday, October 6th: Church Conference 5pm
· Monday, October 7th: Card Outreach 10am
· Wednesday, October 9th: Meal (Youth) & Service 6-8pm
· Thursday, October 10th: Choir 6pm
· Friday, October 11th: Ladies Bible Study 7pm
· Saturday, October 12th: Baptist Men 8am
· Sunday, October 13th: Brunswick Stew presale to church members
· Tuesday, October 15th: Senior Friendly Club trip to Shiloh General Store 11am
· Wednesday, October 16th: Meal (Baptist Men) & Service: 6-8pm
· Thursday, October 17th: Choir 6pm
· Wednesday, October 23rd: Meal (Kingdom Kids) & Service 6-8pm
· Thursday, October 24th: Choir 6pm
· Saturday, October 26th: Trunk-or-Treat 5-7pm
· Wednesday, October 30th: Meal (WOM) & Service 6-8pm
· Thursday, October 31st: Choir 6pm

Wednesday Night  in the Fellowship Hall

Join us in the Fellowship Hall for a Meal & Bible Study

Meals at 6pm:
October 2nd: Church Meal
October 9th: Youth
October 16th: Baptist Men
October 23rd: Kingdom Kids
October 30th: WOM
Check-Ins for August:
Week of:
September  1st
September 8th
September 15th
September 22
September 29th
Morning Worship:
See bulletin
Sunday School:
See bulletin
See bulletin
Altar Flower Sign Ups are in the hall by the little lambs nursery. Please let the office know if you would like a special recognition to be put in the bulletins by the Wednesday before your flowers will be on the altar. You can also sign up by clicking the link below to email the office. Please note that the date you request may already be taken, the office will let you know. If you are having flowers delivered they must be delivered by that Friday between 8:30am and 11:30am.

Deacons Service for October

Week of the 6th  ~ Danny Proctor
Week of the 13th ~ Josh Widener
Week of the 20th ~ Gary Adamczyk
Week of the 27th ~ Arthur Dale

Getting Involved

All Believers are created, gifted and mandated to serve. It is our desire here at WBC to help you find your place in the body of Christ. WBC has many opportunities come up throughout the year where we need a few extra hands and donations to help with services and other volunteer work. Descriptions of our ministries and missions are linked just above. Below you will find links to our community events coming up soon that could use some help.  For monetary gifts please scroll up to the top of the page and click on the Give link.
If you would like to sign up to help with any of our opportunities or any of our ministries please fill out the “Volunteer Contact Form” by clicking on the button below that says Volunteer.

Giving Opportunities:
We have many opportunities to help the community and one way is by donations. This helps support our many ministries, as well as, our out-reach programs. From item donations to monetary donations, we work to help our local community thrive by spreading the help and the gospel. In addition to your tithes you can get involved  financially with our ministries by donating at any   service, mail in, or online to the ministry or mission of your choice. Just mark that additional envelope with the name of the ministry or mission or select that ministry or mission when giving online. Extra Envelopes are available in the Vestibule. If mailing in please clearly write your ministry or mission of choice in the note section of your check or include a note with your donation.

Click the link with the event you are interested in to find out more information and how to get involved. If you are interested in helping around the church but don't know what you would like to help with please click the Volunteer link below and fill out the volunteer form so we can help you with information.
Volunteer Opportunity: Crisis Meal Committee
The Crisis Meal Committee Ministry is reaching out to compile a list of volunteers. They are looking for people who will be interested in donating a food or drink item when crisis arises like funerals or sicknesses. If you feel like this is something you can do, even from time to time, please select the volunteer button below and fill out the information.

WBC Members

Gary & Gloria Adamczyk
Peggy Adams
Ronnie & Carol Beck
Sally Boger
Betty Burns
Mable Choate
Arthur & Beverly Dale  
Max & Orilee Evington
Gary Hassell
Martha Jenkins
Ron Mabe
Mary Ann Motsinger
Steve Motsinger
Roger Norris
Barbara Quin
Van & Donna Reece
Joann Roumillat
Lib Staley
Wayne Thomas
Grace Williard

Assisted Living & Homebound Members

Tom Gallimore
Lynn Whitman
Genene Watson
Sandra Yokeley

Our Friends and Loved Ones

Charles and Ginger Duke ~ Friends of Rocky Rothrock
Jackie Holder ~ Mother of Nick Holder
Gary Hilton ~ Friend of Becky Dale
Carol Lane ~ Sister of Bonnie Thomas
 Mary Ann Motsinger’s Friends
DeeDee Cantrell ~ Friend of Brenda Swaim
The Father of John Everhart
Arlene Roberts ~ Friend of Ashley Reynolds
Brad Wilkes ~ Friend of Mary Ann Motsinger
Blaine Money ~ Brother of Janice Money
Marty Harrelson ~ Sister of Ann Martin
Tanya Huie ~ Friend of WBC
Jordan Smith ~ Family of Valinda Hensley
Michael Underwood ~ Nephew of Martha Jenkins
Monica Cortez ~ Friend of WBC
Todd Parsons ~ Coworker of Jean Barneycastle
Jackie Goble ~ Coworker of Jean Barneycastle
Jimmy Merritt ~ Friend of Jean Barneycastle
Eddie Hawks ~ Friend of Tim & Angie Coe
Sherry Vestrat ~ Friend of Tim & Angie Coe
Johnny Kornahrens ~ cousin of the Roumillat & White family
Gene Craven ~ Friend of the White family

Ministries & Missions ~ Click on the pictures to check out this month's letters from the ministry leaders.

Baptist Men ~ Men of All Ages
Click on the picture to find out more
WOM ~ Women of All Ages
Click on the picture to find out more
Senior Citizens Ministry ~ Senior Friendly Club
Click on the picture to find out more
Community Outreach & Missions
Click on the picture to find out more
Hwy 109 Youth ~ Middle through High School Students
Click on the picture to find out more
Little Lambs ~ Nursery
Click on the picture to find out more
Shining Stars ~ Preschool
Click on the picture to find out more
Kingdom Kids ~ Elementary School Age. Click on the picture to find out more

Reminders of Upcoming and On Going Events

* 11th Annual Fall Bazaar & Crafts Show: Saturday, October 5th, 9am-1pm. Craft vendors, food, silent auction.

*Sowing Seeds Ministry: We are no longer accepting materials at this time.

2024 Couple’s retreat: Mark your calendars for September 20-21. 
We will be heading back to the mountains for our annual couple’s retreat.  Food, camping, kayaking and just getting away for a time of rest and refreshment.  If you are interested in attending then please see Pastor Brandon.

We have cookbooks left over from our presale in limited amount. If you are interested in purchasing one please see Kristal Williams or Carol  Tilley, they are $20 each.

Meet the Church Staff

Click any picture to see more information on the WBC Staff

Brandon Wolfe

Pastor & Teacher

JC Bentley

Youth Pastor

Ron Mabe

Music Director and Pianist
Church office hours are Monday - Thursday: 8:30am-2:30pm and Friday: 8:30am-11:30am. If you need to reach the office please call (336) 769-2422.
Click on Mission and Vision Statements to learn more about the Church.