Monthly Newsletter

March 2025

Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.
Psalm 127:1

             From beginning to end of the Bible it is clear that God loves the family! He is the source, the designer, the model, the blesser, and the definer of what it is! Family seems to be God’s way to teach people humility, joy and sacrifice! Humility because it is not all about us, Joy because solitary fulfillment is an illusive and impossible goal and sacrifice because that is what it takes to make it all it can be. Family is an amazing thing! Family is a wonderful thing! Family is a God-glorifying thing!
No wonder then, that the enemy would go to such great lengths to attempt to destroy it. Satan uses everything from deceptive priorities to heinous violence to attack the family. He has used selfish lust, self-centered desires and even the murderous industry of abortion to destroy the family! Satan has attempted to redefine the family through the  LGBT movement or he has sought to outright destroy it through the over-indulgent selfishness of a society apart from God! As culture has moved on, Satan has attempted new ways (old methods with new vehicles) such as idolizing the family. This is where the family, absent God, becomes the determiner of priorities and goals. We have seen the resurgence of old lies being reproduced through new methods. The old lies of sexual freedom, liberation from imaginary oppressors, and moral ambiguity are just the old lies of lust, pride and idolatry. And please don’t for one second think that Satan is done. There will be new ways that he brings his insidious attacks in the future. As long as God is working, Satan will be attacking.

All of that to say this... isn’t it interesting and rather telling that the thing Satan hates so much is a thing God loves and holds so highly?  A general rule of thumb is that if there is something that is being vehemently attacked, then that must be something that God is mightily using!  In fact, a biblical understanding of the Devil is that he only reacts in defensive posture. Meaning, that he would prefer to leave things alone and undisturbed and in ignorant false bliss. But when God makes an advancement into his territory, he reacts out of fear. When we understand that Jesus coming into this world was in reality, God picking a fight with the devil on Hell’s turf, we see things more clearly and act more boldly.
During our recent series on the family, I have seen this in amazing ways. People taking ownership of their roles and marriages being more solidified under Christ. Children being better equipped to face and oppose the satanic agenda of our day. I am so excited for what I see happening in the families in our church! This is so important because strong Christians make strong families, and strong families make strong churches!

As we continue seeing people come to committed relationships with Jesus and families reignited with passion and purpose for God, let’s covenant to continue being a place that facilitates that!
Let me encourage us all to continue honor God with our families! Continue upholding God’s design, definition and duty for the family. Continue to pray for, disciple and minister to each other and the families. Continue to reach out to individuals and families with the Gospel.

Continue to become more and more like a family in the Church as well!  Because not everyone has the families that others have. So let the church be the place to equip and supplement! Let the Body of Christ be the place where families are strengthened and find refuge, and where families are formed through friendships and service! In all these things let us continue to act like brothers and sisters in Christ so that others may see our “family” and want to have God as their Father!
Your Brother in the Lord,
Pastor Brandon

Dates to Remember: March

· Sunday, March 2nd: Deacon’s meeting 2pm
· Monday, March 3rd: Card Outreach 10am
· Wednesday, March 5th: Food Pantry 4-6pm
· Wednesday, March 5th: Meal (Potluck) & Service 6-8pm
· Thursday, March 6th: Prayer at the Poles
· Thursday, March 6th: Choir 6pm
· Saturday, March 8th: Baptist Men at Cagney’s at 7:30am
· Saturday, March 8th: VBS Workday 9am-12pm
· Wednesday, March 12th: WOM 6pm
· Wednesday, March 12th: Meal (Youth) & Service 6-8pm
· Thursday, March 13th: Choir 6pm
· Friday, March 14th: Ladies Bible Study 7pm
· Sunday, March 16th: Hwy 109 Youth Bake Sale Camp Caswell Fundraiser after 11am service until 4pm
· Monday, March 17th: Senior Friendly Club’s St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon 11am (in the FH)
· Wednesday, March 19th: Meal (Baptist Men) & Service 6-8pm
· Thursday, March 20th: Choir 6pm
· Wednesday, March 26th: Meal (WOM) & Service 6-8pm
· Thursday, March 27th: Choir 6pm
· Friday, March 28th: Youth Hangout & Movie Night 5-8pm

Wednesday Night  in the Fellowship Hall

Join us in the Fellowship Hall for a Meal & Bible Study

Meals at 6pm:
March 5th: Potluck
March 12th: Youth
March 19th: Baptist Men
March 26th: WOM
Check-Ins for January:
Week of:
February 2nd
February 9th
February 16th
February 23rd
Morning Worship:
Sunday School:
See bulletin
Altar Flower Sign Ups are in the hall by the little lambs nursery. Please let the office know if you would like a special recognition to be put in the bulletins by the Wednesday before your flowers will be on the altar. You can also sign up by clicking the link below to email the office. Please note that the date you request may already be taken, the office will let you know. If you are having flowers delivered they must be delivered by that Friday between 8:30am and 11:30am.

Deacons Service for March

Week of the 2nd  ~ Brandon Griggs
Week of the 9th ~ Jeff Beasley
Week of the 16th ~ Michael Sullivan
Week of the 23rd ~ Danny Proctor
Week of the 30th ~ Josh Widener

Getting Involved

All Believers are created, gifted and mandated to serve. It is our desire here at WBC to help you find your place in the body of Christ. WBC has many opportunities come up throughout the year where we need a few extra hands and donations to help with services and other volunteer work. Descriptions of our ministries and missions are linked just above. Below you will find links to our community events coming up soon that could use some help.  For monetary gifts please scroll up to the top of the page and click on the Give link.
If you would like to sign up to help with any of our opportunities or any of our ministries please fill out the “Volunteer Contact Form” by clicking on the button below that says Volunteer.

Giving Opportunities:
We have many opportunities to help the community and one way is by donations. This helps support our many ministries, as well as, our out-reach programs. From item donations to monetary donations, we work to help our local community thrive by spreading the help and the gospel. In addition to your tithes you can get involved  financially with our ministries by donating at any   service, mail in, or online to the ministry or mission of your choice. Just mark that additional envelope with the name of the ministry or mission or select that ministry or mission when giving online. Extra Envelopes are available in the Vestibule. If mailing in please clearly write your ministry or mission of choice in the note section of your check or include a note with your donation.

Click the link with the event you are interested in to find out more information and how to get involved. If you are interested in helping around the church but don't know what you would like to help with please click the Volunteer link below and fill out the volunteer form so we can help you with information.
Volunteer Opportunity: Crisis Meal Committee
The Crisis Meal Committee Ministry is reaching out to compile a list of volunteers. They are looking for people who will be interested in donating a food or drink item when crisis arises like funerals or sicknesses. If you feel like this is something you can do, even from time to time, please select the volunteer button below and fill out the information.

WBC Members

Gary & Gloria Adamczyk
Peggy Adams
Ronnie & Carol Beck
Betty Burns
Mable Choate
Arthur & Beverly Dale  
Max & Orilee Evington
Gary Hassell
Martha Jenkins
Ron Mabe
Mary Ann Motsinger
Roger Norris
Barbara Quinn
Van & Donna Reece
Joann Roumillat
Lib Staley
Wayne Thomas
Nathan Thomas
Bonnie Thomas
Ann Martin

Assisted Living & Homebound Members

Tom Gallimore
Lynn Whitman
Genene Watson
Grace Williard

Our Friends and Loved Ones

Jackie Holder ~ Mother of Nick Holder
Carol Lane ~ Sister of Bonnie Thomas
DeeDee Cantrell ~ Friend of Brenda Swaim
Brad Wilkes ~ Friend of Mary Ann Motsinger
Marty Harrelson ~ Sister of Ann Martin
Jordan Smith ~ Family of Valinda Hensley
Michael Underwood ~ Nephew of Martha Jenkins
Monica Cortez ~ Friend of WBC
Todd Parsons ~ Coworker of Jean Barneycastle
Jackie Goble ~ Coworker of Jean Barneycastle
Jimmy Merritt ~ Friend of Jean Barneycastle
Sherry Vestrat ~ Friend of Tim & Angie Coe
Johnny Kornahrens ~ cousin of the Roumillat & White family
Gene Craven ~ Friend of the White family
Fred Lassiter ~ Friend of Jan Money
Debra Perret ~ Friend of the Dale family
Ken Nash ~ Friend of the Dale family
Nancy Byrd ~ Friend of the Dale family
Ron & Fori McClean ~ A. Dale’s cousin
Audree Leonard Taylor ~ Dale’s granddaughter
Jewel ~ Sister of Peggy Adams
Kelly Dody ~ Peggy Adams' neice
Don Patterson
Courtney Whitley's Uncle Jerry & Aunt Brona
Family of Dora Troutman
Larry Anderson ~ Friend of the Roumillat's
Susan Miller ~ Sister of Ann Martin
Terry Self ~ Cousin of the Dale's
Diane Arrowood ~ Niece of the Dale's
Family of Fred Dziki ~ Friends of the Dale's
Terry Smith ~ Brother-in-law of JB & Cathy White

Ministries & Missions ~ Click on the pictures to check out this month's letters from the ministry leaders.

Baptist Men ~ Men of All Ages
Click on the picture to find out more
WOM ~ Women of All Ages
Click on the picture to find out more
Senior Citizens Ministry ~ Senior Friendly Club
Click on the picture to find out more
Community Outreach & Missions
Click on the picture to find out more
Hwy 109 Youth ~ Middle through High School Students
Click on the picture to find out more
Little Lambs ~ Nursery
Click on the picture to find out more
Shining Stars ~ Preschool
Click on the picture to find out more
Kingdom Kids ~ Elementary School Age. Click on the picture to find out more

Reminders of Upcoming and On Going Events

* 11th Annual Fall Bazaar & Crafts Show: Saturday, October 5th, 9am-1pm. Craft vendors, food, silent auction.

*Sowing Seeds Ministry: We are no longer accepting materials at this time.

2024 Couple’s retreat: Mark your calendars for September 20-21. 
We will be heading back to the mountains for our annual couple’s retreat.  Food, camping, kayaking and just getting away for a time of rest and refreshment.  If you are interested in attending then please see Pastor Brandon.

We have cookbooks left over from our presale in limited amount. If you are interested in purchasing one please see Kristal Williams or Carol  Tilley, they are $20 each.

Meet the Church Staff

Click any picture to see more information on the WBC Staff

Brandon Wolfe

Pastor & Teacher

JC Bentley

Youth Pastor

Ron Mabe

Music Director and Pianist
Church office hours are Monday - Thursday: 8:30am-2:30pm and Friday: 8:30am-11:30am. If you need to reach the office please call (336) 769-2422.
Click on Mission and Vision Statements to learn more about the Church.