Weekly Bulletin 

March 9th, 2025

Thank you for checking out our digital weekly bulletin. Here you will find all of the information found in our printed weekly bulletin available during Sunday Services.  It was designed to easily follow along with either of our Sunday Worship Services and to keep you informed of the weekly and monthly happenings and any events coming soon.  You will be able to find our Prayer Request List and a link to our prayer request form if you need to add or update the list.  You will also be able to quickly find the links for different events, allowing you to sign up to volunteer for that event, information on how to donate to that event, or have all the information to attend an event. At the Bottom you will also find links to our ministry pages, and contact forms should you have any questions or would like to reach out to our pastors or let us know you are visiting. We hope that you enjoy the service and the bulletin and hope you will join us all the time.

Morning Services: 8:45am & 11:00am

Worship Schedule

Welcome & Opening Prayer
Worshipping Together
Led by Ron Mabe
Song 1: Bless the Lord O My Soul................................................................................. Song 2: Forever............................Pg 99
Time of Offering
Ushers will come forward to pray and collect offerings.
At this time our ushers will come forward to pray and collect offerings
**Shining Stars and Kingdom Kids depart to classrooms**
And Can It Be (Pg 250)
Special Music: WBC Choir
The message with Pastor Brandon
"A Parent After God's Heart" (Ephesians 6:4)
Closing Prayer
Higher Ground (Pg 532)
Altar is open at this time for prayer
Closing Prayer
Weekly Check In: February 23rd
Tithing Needed: $6661.12
Tithing Received: $9931.00
Attendance:  198
Sunday School: 84

Announcements and Upcoming Events

Here are our current happenings and events coming soon. For more information on events please click on their links. If you would like to donate to any of these events please scroll up to the top and click on give then you can select who/what to give your donation to. If you do not see what you want to donate to on our list please select general offering and notate in the memo section that you would like your donation to go to that mission. You can also give all your general offerings there. 

Food Pantry

The next distribution date is  Wednesday, April 2nd, from 4-6pm. Needs: Canned chicken, corned beef, beef stew, pork n beans, and prepared Jello. Please drop supplies in the box located in the vestibule.
Monetary donations always appreciated. Just click on "Give" at the top of the page and select Food Pantry.


Practice Thursday  nights at 6pm. See Ron for more details.

Volunteer Opportunities

*Card out reach is looking for new members to help out once a month. If interested please see Penny Bennett or the office.
General Reminders:
*If you are not receiving our weekly phone tree calls and/or our monthly newsletters please contact the office immediately. See the link below.
*Make sure to check out our events on the homepage (or click the link below that says events) to stay current with what is going on at church. You can also check out our Facebook page: @wallburgbaptist
*Choir practice is on Thursdays at 6pm. Please contact Ron Mabe if you would like to join and for any updates on practices.

Wednesday Night  in the Fellowship Hall

Join us in the Fellowship Hall for a meal, prayer, worship and bible study. Meal begins at 6pm and Bible Study at 7pm.

Meal Schedule:
Wednesday, March 12th: Youth
Wednesday, March 19th: Baptist Men
Wednesday, March 26th: WOM
Wednesday, April 2nd: Potluck

WBC Members

Gary & Gloria Adamczyk
Peggy Adams
Ronnie & Carol Beck
Betty Burns
Mabel Choate
Arthur & Beverly Dale  
Max & Orilee Evington
Gary Hassell
Martha Jenkins
Ron Mabe
Mary Ann Motsinger
Roger Norris
Barbara Quinn
Van & Donna Reece
Joann Roumillat
Lib Staley
Wayne Thomas
Nathan Thomas
Bonnie Thomas

Prayer Needs Beyond Us

Praying for our brothers and sisters around the world who are suffering for their faith as they share the love of Jesus with those around them.

~Our Missionsaries
~International Turmoil
~Our Leaders to make wise and godly decisions
~First Responders
~Military Personnel & Their Families
(1 Timothy 2:1-4)

Assisted Living & Homebound Members

Tom Gallimore
Lynn Whitman
Genene Watson
Grace Williard

Our Friends and Loved Ones

All the Unspoken Prayer Requests
Martha Harrelson ~ Friend of Ann Martin
DeeDee Cantrell ~ Friend of Brenda Swaim
Brad Wilkes ~ Friend of Mary Ann Motsinger
Marty Harrelson ~ Sister of Ann Martin
Tanya Huie ~ Friend of WBC
Jordan Smith ~ Family of Valinda Hensley
Michael Underwood ~ Nephew of Martha Jenkins
Monica Cortez ~ Friend of WBC
Todd Parsons ~ Husband of Coworker of Jean Barneycastle
Jackie Goble ~ Coworker of Jean Barneycastle
Family of Jimmy Merritt
Sherry Vestrat ~ Friends of Tim & Angie Coe
Johnny Kornahrens ~ Cousin of Roumillat & White Family
Gene Craven ~ Friend of White Family
Fred Lassiter ~ Friend of Jan Money
Debra Perret ~ Friend of the Dales
Ken Nash ~ Friend of the Dales
Nancy Byrd ~ Friend of the Dales
Ron & Fori McClean ~ A. Dales cousin
Audree Leonard Taylor ~ Dale's granddaughter
 Jewel ~ Sister of Peggy Adams
Kelly Dody ~ Peggy Adams' niece
Don Patterson
 Courtney Whitley's Uncle Jerry & Aunt Brona
Family of Dora Troutman
Larry Anderson ~ Friend of the Roumillat's
Susan Miller ~ Sister of Ann Martin
Terry Self ~ Cousin of the Dale's
Diane Arrowood ~ Niece of the Dale's
Family of Fred Dziki ~ Friends of the Dale's
Terry Smith ~ Brother-in-law of JB & Cathy White

Ministries & Missions ~ Click on the pictures to find out more about what our ministries are all about. 

Baptist Men ~ Men of All Ages
Click on the picture to find out more
WOM ~ Women of All Ages
Click on the picture to find out more
Senior Citizens Ministry ~ Senior Friendly Club
Click on the picture to find out more
Community Outreach & Missions: Food Pantry, Card Outreach, Yard Sale
Click on the picture to find out more
Hwy 109 Youth ~ Middle through High School Students
Click on the picture to find out more
Kingdom Kids ~ Elementary School Age.  Click on the picture to find out more
Shining Stars ~ Preschool
Click on the picture to find out more
Little Lambs ~ Nursery
Click on the picture to find out more

Getting Involved

All Believers are created, gifted and mandated to serve. It is our desire here at WBC to help you find your place in the body of Christ. WBC has many opportunities come up throughout the year where we need a few extra hands and donations to help with services and other volunteer work. Descriptions of our ministries and missions are linked just above. Below you will find links to our community events coming up soon that could use some help.  For monetary gifts please scroll up to the top of the page and click on the Give link. 

new opportunities to volunteer are coming soon,  click the link below to let us know you are interested in volunteering. 

Meet the Church Staff

Click any picture to see more information on the WBC Staff

Brandon Wolfe

Pastor & Teacher

JC Bentley

Youth Pastor

Ron Mabe

Music Director and Pianist

Cheyenne May

Ministry Assistant

Visiting WBC?

We are so happy to have you worshiping with us and hope you will continue to join us in worship and fellowship. We would love the chance to connect with you further so please fill out our connect card by clicking the link below.