For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
WBC offers many opportunities to get out there and volunteer. We are always looking for volunteers to help with our children's ministries during services both Sunday morning and Wednesday evenings. We have once a month service opportunities through our Food Pantry and many once or twice a year service opportunities in all of our ministries. We'd love to have you join us for some fellowship and volunteer help.

Volunteer Coordinator
Pastor Brandon Wolfe
Our pastor is very hands on and ready to help you find your spot in all of our serving opportunities. Click here to connect to Pastor Brandon more about volunteering at WBC. We look forward to hearing from you.
Serve in our church
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
We have many opportunities to serve around the church on a weekly basis. From helping with the children's ministries to Sunday school class assistance, even volunteering for the church choir. We have a little bit for everyone to get involved with.
Volunteer FAQ
How do I volunteer?
To Volunteer with WBC we ask that you attend service and get to meet the people who already attend and serve the church. Then talk with a deacon or the pastor about your interest in volunteering and where you would be most comfortable in spending your volunteer time.
How do I volunteer with kids?
WBC has ministries for all age groups from newborn through high school. In order to work with any of them please speak with the leaders of the age level you wish to work with to find out when they have need for a volunteer. All volunteers who work with any of our age groups are background checked before they can begin volunteering.
How do I volunteer with music?
We have a wonderful WBC Choir who preform every Sunday and put on special concerts around the holidays. To volunteer with them please speak with Ron Made, our Music Director and Pianist, about joining the choir. Every voice is welcome.
How do I volunteer with seansonally?
Through out the year we have different volunteer needs. in the Summer we have VBS, and lock-ins; in the Fall we have the Back to School Supply Giveaway, Fall Bazaar, Trunk or Treat, BB Roberts Turkey Dinner giveaway; Winter we have the Angel Tree and the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox; Come Spring time we have the Easter Egg Hunt and Burg Bash. We also have Church Wide Clean Up Days that happen when needed throughout the year and a bi-annual Yard Sale.
There are many other activities that pop up that can always use some volunteer help too.
There are many other activities that pop up that can always use some volunteer help too.